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- Check Dam , District Watershed Development Unit , Haresh Sardhara , Hemant Gaikwad , MGNREGA , Prashant Patel , Tapi »
- Integration of approach with MGNREGA - A case of Tapi District (IWMP)
Posted by : GSWMA
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Basic information of the project area: Amaniya village is located in Vyara Taluka of Tapi District. Total population of the Amaniya village is around 496, alongwith total households are 232. The sex ratio is 836 out of 1000 males. The total geographical area of village is 353.10 Ha out of which 300.00 ha area was treated under this project. The village has Black cotton sandy soil in their agricultural land of 141.60 Ha. The average soil depth is 1-3 meters with 50% hilly area.
The village comes under Batch 1 project of DWDU-Tapi, IWMP -2 (Dhamandevi). The batch 1 projects of IWMP are sanctioned in the FY 2009-10. It is mainly a tribal village and thus traditional agriculture is in practice in the village. The Project Implementing Agency (PIA) for this project is Vyara forest division.
Problem Analysis
Prior to the implementation of the project, indigenous cultivation practices were practiced by the villagers. 15-20% of the agricultural land in the village is covered by irrigation facilities and the ground water strata of the village is very low, thus during the Zaid crop all the secondary sources of irrigation such as bore well and open well dries up. The farmers take Kharif crop and very less Rabi crop. The main crops in the area are Paddy, Pigeon Pea, Okra etc. and their yield was very low in accordance to their potential yield. Moreover the farmers uses indigenous seed for the crop they cultivate.
Before the intervention in the project area soil erosion was an acute problem in the village due to its hilly terrain and with more than 6% of average slope. Most of the rain water flows from the hilly regions of Dang District.
Before the intervention in the project area soil erosion was an acute problem in the village due to its hilly terrain and with more than 6% of average slope. Most of the rain water flows from the hilly regions of Dang District.
Due to the acute problem of soil erosion and water scarcity in non-monsoon season there was and need to build up water harvesting structures in the village and thus with the participation of the villagers and according to the DPR a checkdam was constructed at forest cover, compartment no 323 (Survey No). The site is located at 3 km away from Purna River towards north forest area. The checkdam was constructed in convergence with MGNREGA. The total cost of construction for the checkdam is Rs. 3.33 lakhs totally funded under MGNREGA.
“The convergence in the construction of the checkdam with MGNREGA has also generated local employment for the village benefitting the villagers. This work was also appreciated by Karnataka Watershed team during their visit to TAPI district.”
The storage capacity of the check dam constructed is of 2700 CMT it affects the water table of the nearby wells of the following:
Sr. no.
Name of beneficiary
Survey no.
Janubhai malubhai kokani
Sanjaybhai mohanbhai gamit
Rameshbhai gamanbhai gamit
Shantaben mohanbhai
Gov. Gauchar land(patal kuva)
By looking into the benefits of the water storage village watershed committee had decided for more and more plantation of TKB and bamboo in the area. Now, people have realized that ponds, check dams, afforestation and Nala bund plays an important role for water harvesting.
Fig. 1: Labour involved in Check Dam Construction |
Fig. 2: Labour involved in Check Dam Construction |
Fig. 3: Karnataka Watershed Team visited during work-in-progress |
Fig. 4: Checkdam under convergence with MGNREGA, IWMP2 Dhamandevi, Cost: 3.33 lakhs |
Details of irrigated area through this Checkdam and name of beneficiary:
Sr. no.
Name of benefitted farmers
Irrigated Area ( Ha.)
Shanta ben mohanbhai
1.20 ha.
Teru ben jamnabhai
1.35 ha.
Ullubhai jamnabhai
1.45 ha
Khalpa bahi Rangabhai
1.50 ha
Uliyabhai ranga bhai
2.3 ha.
Ganga ben gaman bhai
2.05 ha
Kantibhai janla bahi
1.70 ha.
Rangubhai gaman bhai
1.2 ha
Randu bhai
2.1 ha.
Manabhai Randubhai
1.3 ha.
16.15 Ha
Impacts of the Interventions:
- A check to soil erosion: With the construction of the check dam the high erosion in the area has been checked and thus it also slows down the speed of the runoff water.
- Ground water table recharge: Due to Construction of the checkdam the water harvested will recharge the ground water and thus will affect the underground water table.
- Increase in irrigation potential: By construction of Check dam in the project area it harvests more water. So, if water is readily available for farmers will help for irrigation purpose. This will also increase the cropping period of the crop.
- Net increase in crop production :Due to the effect of availability of irrigation, the crops is getting adequate water for their irrigation and thus in the given area with the same variety of crop the production per ha. has increased to a remarkable note.
Contributors: Mr. Hemant Gaikwad (Technical Expert, Tapi), Mr. Haresh Sardhara (Technical Expert, Tapi), Mr. Prashant Patel (WDT-Er.), DWDU Tapi