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Posted by : GSWMA Monday, 17 February 2014

Basic village information: Suraj village is located in Becharaji taluka of Mehsana district of Gujarat. The total geographical area of the village is 1195.90 Ha. Generally the region experiences irregular rainfall with an average of 400 mm. The topography of the land is flat with medium black soil.

Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) had started its interventions in the village in 2009-10 (i.e. Batch I Projects). In IWMP 2 (Becharaji Project), there are 6 villages in which Suraj village is one of them. The total geographical area of the watershed is 5681.70 Ha out of which 5000 Ha was proposed for treatment under IWMP.

Cash crops such as cotton and castor are cultivated approximately in an area of 80 Ha of the village. Here, the average yield of cotton is 500 kg./Ha against the average district production of 640 kg/Ha (source: agri.gujarat.gov.in as on 2009-10). Cotton yield had been declining in this village despite increasing dose of NPK fertilizers every year.

In absence of sufficient knowledge, farmers here were used to practice their own way of farming, which includes

  • Insufficient FYM (Farm Yard Manure) application 
  • Single tillage 
  • High rate of seed application (with the mindset of perceiving higher yields) 
  • Irregular sowing & fertilizer application (high basal dose)

In order to address this issue, an on-farm-trial was taken up in IWMP DPR to demonstrate the benefits of scientific farming of cotton. The agriculture staff of the Multi disciplinary team had organised several Gram Sabhas to motivate villagers to come forward for taking up the on-field-trial of cotton on his farm. The villagers then suggested the name of enthusiastic Shri Nadoda Jagmaal Bhai Juva bhai. He is a progressive farmer of this village having 1.06 Ha of agricultural land. Earlier Jagmaal bhai used to advocate heavy doses of fertilizers and pesticides to enhance crop productivity but did not achieve the required production.

Out of 1.06 Ha, 0.47 Ha of his agricultural land was used for crop demonstration of cotton on his field while leaving the other part for his regular farming. This was done to show the clear difference between the newly adopted scientific farming and the traditional one. He attended all the meetings and trainings related to scientific agriculture practices coordinated with the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Kherva.

Initially the KVK gave the farmers a detail account about crop demonstration technique and sowing measures. The highlights of training are as follows
  1. During kharif season, deep tillage should be done
  2. 6 to 8 tractors of FYM to be applied on the fields
  3. After applying FYM, once again tillage should be done
  4. Sowing should be done at suitable time
The methodology of crop demonstration goes as follows: “Soil testing was done for major macro and micronutrients. Based on soil testing results fertilizer schedule was prepared (120:90:45 for demo plot & farmer applied 128: 92:45). With the help of a rotavator, crop residues were incorporated into the soil. Sowing was done in the 1st week of June 2012 with a spacing of 5 feet between the rows and 2.5 between plants and the seed rate was 0.3 kg/ha (therefore 0.6kg applied in 0.47 Ha). A basal dose of DAP was then applied to the demo plot (4.5:11.5:0) and farmers plot (36:92:0). The cost of fertilizer for demo plot accounted for Rs 8000/- ( FYM = Rs 6000/- & vermi compost = Rs 2000/-) whereas for farmer plot it was Rs 4000/- which accounts solely for FYM. The source of irrigation was kept same in both the plots.”

Fig. 1 : Shri Nadoda Jagmaal Bhai Juva bhai in front of demo plot

The post harvest comparison is mentioned below:

S. No
Demonstration Plot (0.47 Ha)
Farmer’s Plot    (0.59 Ha)
Quantity of Seeds (gm)
Crop duration  (in days)
Cotton Balls (No.)
Average weight per cotton ball (gm)
Cost of cultivation (Rs)



Vermi Compost


Yield (Kg)
Gross return (Rs.)
 (Market Price Rs 63.5/kg)
Net Return (Rs.)
Comparing Net Return per ha. (Rs.)

The crop demonstration plot, although less area than its counterpart, not only gave better yield but also provide higher remunerative returns (almost more than double). Having witnessed the results, more and more farmers are coming forward to adopt scientific farming method. The increasing number of farmers query and participation in training also depict the indirect impact of crop demonstration. As of now approximately 25 farmers have shown their interest to adopt scientific farming in their own fields. Further training plan has been made in coordination with the KVK to provide technical input to the interested farmers.

It can be said that crop demonstration under IWMP project in the village has surely made some difference in the cropping practices of the farmers and will continue to inspire in the near future.

Contributors: Desai Iswarbhai (WDT- Agri), Pankaj Raval (WDT-CM), Shri Nadoda Jagmaal Bhai Juva bhai (Beneficiary Farmer), Deepali Solanki (Technical Expert)

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